Clothing – Change in Style

While playing golf it is your performance that matters most. If you are playing good then your clothing will surely take the backseat. However, days are changing and people today give a lot of attention to their outfits also. Sometimes, the outfit actually comes into the limelight even if the player is not performing well. If you look around then you can see a difference in clothing between the younger player and traditional players. In case of traditional golf players the outfits are simple and the younger players experiment with tattoo golf shirt, skull golf shirts, gothic golf clothing and various alternative styles. They are more edgy and bold. That surely adds up a spice in the game and makes it look interesting.

Every game has a different personality and in case of golf it is white and clean. The green golf course and the player in clean white shirt is always the picture. Now the time has come to change this picture. In case of women’s golf clothing and men’s golf clothing both various new styles can be seen. The gothic golf clothing is surely the most in thing right now. In both men and women’s clothing gothic style can be clearly seen. It has surely become the craze and more and more people are following this craze these days. In case of alternative golf shirt the skulls, bones and gothic designs are more popular. You can also see some other type of designs but these are surely he most popular among men and women both. Previously golf used to be a ultra sophisticated game where no fashion was allowed. However, now it is evident that the boring game is changing and the gothic fashion is capturing this game pretty fast.

Fashion doesn’t mean breaking all the rules always. Sometimes you can do some mix and match styling. You can mix up your tattoo golf shirt with the simple golf skirt and it can also create a style. Whatever you do or play you must create your own identity. For that your performance does matter the most but your outfits also matter a lot. Gone are those days when the traditional outfits were the only thing to wear on a golf course. There is only one thing you must not forget is dignity. You must not wear something that is disrespectful and not sober. You just need to maintain little bit respectability and dignity so that the dress does not look odd. Once you understand this you can surely experiment with your golf shirt a lot. When there are so many styles available why not creating your own style there?

While playing golf you need to make sure that your personality shines in your performance and your outfit both. Do not give too much attention to your clothes as that can harm your performance then. Once you feel like experimenting you must do that. after that both your playing style and dressing style will be appreciated by all for sure.